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Insurance & Fees


Please inform the receptionist of any type of insurance coverage you may have so your claims can be handled properly.  You are responsible for knowing the specific rules of your insurance company with regard to office visits, pre-authorizations, second opinions, and follow-ups.  We do not accept liens in accident cases or insurance disputes. Reports to attorneys must be paid in advance of their preparation.


Deductibles and Co-payment amounts are the patient’s responsibility. Any co-payments owed will be due at the time of service and it is illegal for us to waive them.


Payment is requested for office services at the time they are rendered for cash patients and for patients covered under insurance companies we are not contracted (“Out-of-Network”) with. 


If we are contracted (“In-Network”) with your insurance plan, you will be responsible for any co-pay affiliated with your coverage and your insurance company will be billed for the remainder of the office visit. If there is a balance after the insurance companies adjustment, the patient is responsible for the remainder of the cost.

What Insurance Do We Accept?

No Health Insurance? If you currently do not have health insurance, we are happy to see you as a cash patient! Please note, all cash patients must pay their bill at the check-out desk before leaving the office. We appreciate your understanding.

We are In-Network / Preferred Providers for the following insurance plans:


  • Medicare (See the “Medicare” Page)

  • The Industry Health Network


  • Blue Shield PPO

  • Blue Cross PPO

  • Cigna PPO

  • Aetna PPO

  • HealthNet PPO


The best way for you to be sure of your coverage, benefits, and co-pay is to call and confirm with our office staff. Alternatively, you may email images of the front and back of your insurance card to and a member from our staff with verify it prior to your appointment.

We are Out-of-Network / Non-Preferred Providers for the following insurance plans:


  • We are not accept EPO and HMO plans​

  • UnitedHealthcare PPO

  • MediCal**


**MediCal does not cover any services at our office. All MediCal patients must sign a waiver, acknowledging that they are responsible for the remainder of their bill. This amount normally amounts to 20% of the office visit.

Confused? We understand – it’s a complicated system. Give us a call and we will do our best to explain how the process works with your specific situation. It is always helpful for us to have a copy of the card in front of us when speaking with you, so please email images of the front and back of your valid insurance card to

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